Our key area of work is the blending of art with social change. We engage with spaces that will benefit from our programmes that balance Expressive Art Therapy practices; positive, non-violent communication; meditation; creative visualisation; yoga; and games.

Khula Aasman believes in generating opportunities to build happiness and creating individuals, groups, and communities which are more holistic and supportive. Conceptually, we have successfully married various ideas of arts and crafts for the process of change with the people.

Practically speaking- we conduct therapeutic sessions using Expressive Art Therapy techniques with various organisations, open and closed, rural and urban, with very positive results.

Khula Aasman focuses on group activities rather than individual counselling sessions. The group work helps in understanding that there are many more people like ‘ME’ and my situation. It also helps in understanding that there are people with more severe issues than mine. This structure also helps build a relational understanding of the ‘self’ vis-à-vis the ‘Other’ and the understanding of building and nurturing relationships. The activities that we conduct with various groups consist of creating the space for spreading colours, creativity, laughter, and happiness where trauma and hopelessness are a normal unquestioned part of life. The opportunity to engage in creative pursuits like dance movement, clay work, painting, and creative visualisation help participants to reconcile their traumatic situation and alleviate bodily symptoms.


Scope of Our Work

Scope of Work


Khula Aasman’s Outreach Area

Khula Aasman has so far reached out to people and agencies located in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane and Raigad districts as well as in Gujarat and Rajasthan. We have and will continue to undertake co-financed programmes with partners in other districts of Maharashtra and other states.